what is that you like most from a flower?
is it the colour? fragrance? beauty?
I don't know whether it is right to say that flowers are the representations of smartness. I prefer to state that. And more importantly, the flowers are a technique or a method of attracting others. I never get attracted toward anyone so quickly. For me it will take long time to accept others and become a fan of them.
I was not a fan of lovers. Nor the love-at-first-sight concepts. But as the famous Malayalam poet said, even the cruelest person will be attracted by a charming flower, and history didnt changed in the case of myself too...
On a wedding function I see this flower, fall in love and become a fan...
T Rangarajan usually says, if love cannot, nothing else can... The flower, emitting lot of energy around her transformed me to a romantic person, looking and feeling everything around me with a difference... Happened in the toughest situation till that point of my life, gave me the courage to stand against the challenges and carry out tasks and delegate the tasks well.
Why am I describing the effects of that flower in my life rather than the character and specialty of flower itself? Again it states that "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder"... It was beautiful, charming and fragrant.
Not all the thing in the world is permanent. The feeling that you got from the flowers are permanent till your mind alive. The moments with the flower was amazing... The communication, care, the understanding, each second was exciting.
None of these are extra ordinary. All was in place in its required measure with a nice blend of love in the fore ground.
The lightning will not survive for long, also the greatest feelings. We remain happy for a fraction of a second in this physical world even despite a great achievement in life.
The show was over and the curtain is down, I am alone in the stage after the show with all the other actors left me behind... Story is not complete till the pen down for ever...
From a real experience with fantasies.
Resemblance to the living or died human beings are just incidental...
Nimod ExcitedToBeAlive...
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